I’m so, so excited to announce that my products are in a store! Like, in a real building! Not my house!
No, I did not open my own shop. I’m not that crazy (yet). But the owner of a brand new local store, Resale & Craft Boutique, is letting me have a case in her shop to display my wares! I’m stoked!
I got confirmation that the spot was mine on Monday afternoon, and then spent all of Monday night and all day Tuesday in a frenzy of planning, measuring, mixing, melting, smelling, packaging, designing, cutting, and labeling. Big thanks to Aaron for staying home from work to help with sick Emmett so I could keep working. The kitchen was a disaster. I was at Walmart at 9:30 at night because my printer died. I got 9 hours of sleep in 2 days. It was glorious.

I have a few oldies in the mix (lotion bars and bath bombs), but I also have some brand-spankin’-new items that I’ve been developing and testing for a while now. An assortment of foaming hand soaps, made with my very own homemade castile soap (why buy an ingredient when you can make it?), heel balm made with oil I infused with calendula petals and dried lavender (they both claim to soothe skin and speed healing, but there’s no actual proof of that – they smell real nice, though), a delightful lemon cuticle cream, and some super fun squishy soap in a variety of colors. Is it play dough? Is it soap? Why not both?! More is in the works, and it will all make its way into the online store soon, but right now I feel like I could sleep for 100 days so you’ll just have to wait. And yes, the new biscotti I promised will be available for sale soon, too – I need to bake one more batch to work out the kinks. Nothing but the best for you guys.
The store’s grand opening is on November 1st, and if you’re in the Green Bay area you should check it out! I’ll try to get over there at some point on the 1st, and will be in and out as needed to check inventory and restock. Maybe I’ll see you there!
2733 N. Packerland Dr. Suite 14U |